Right guys, with my Golf Country I got the normal Golf Owners Manual and a Golf Country supplement (all in German of course). Now as it is a Chrom version (Yeh, I know I keep going on about it, but it is blooming great!!!) it also has another supplement Owners Manual for it. However, this is just made from A5 Xeroxed sheets gummed along the left hand edge.
Due to its age it is now in bits and I need to know if I have all the pages? I have the front cover to which is attached another sheet with the title ‘Anheben des Fahrzeuges’ and a seperate sheet titled ‘Fahrzeugpflege’. Does anyone know if there are any more sheets to this supplement?
Also, were these supplements ever available in English and if not has any one bothered to translate them?
PS: Still waiting for my Reg No so I can go play in it!!!