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ParticipantCheers Chris
Off home from work for some beers now
Have a great weekend!
ParticipantBig thanks for that.
All I can say WOW, that is some extreme modding you have done to get that zorst to fit.
Not sure I am that creative with the grinder & welder
Not sure wether to just Trubo the bugge now, at leat there will be only one pipe to worry about LOL
ParticipantThink if I solve this problem I will be minted! LOL
When I get to a usable soloution I will post up some results.
ParticipantAppears to be a harmonic balancer/damper. Used for changing the frequency of vibrations and certain speeds/road conditions.
Seems to appear on some models and not on others, not sure why.
Some peeps have removed it and had no adverse effects, will see what happens
ParticipantSorry my bad….I meant downpipe.
Basicaly was thinking of getting a manifold made to replicate the rallye/g60 one (but 16v attachment instead), then mating the standard rallye downpipes (& system) to it.
ParticipantJob finally done!
Was easier just to split the box and tbox in the end[
Originally posted by Chris SI am very busy this week but will try & get to ask at my local suppliers.
I have been told by my local dealer that the sensors are no longer available
ParticipantHi I am sure I remember reading a post about someone getting in touch with an parts supplier and being qouted over £100 per sensor
Does the bearing size really make a diff to the sensor? as I thought the ABS ring was the same size on all models?
Have found this catoloue:
It tallys up with your figures, except I am not convinced that the bearing size change is a factor. Does anyone know if there was change in ABS system?
ParticipantI am still after 2 rear ABS sensors
ParticipantCheers fellas.[8D]
I was under the car last night, I have big block of metal attached to the subframe (just in from of where the diff will go) that will needs to be removed. Think its some kind of balance or vibration damper. Looked on VAGCAT and the Rallye does not seem to have one.
Can also confirm the 16v 9a lump has the mounting lugs for the tbox bracket, as I attached the bracket last night [
ParticipantThanks for your reply.
Only prob is that I have the rallye gearbox with shared oilways. Would this mean I would need to replace a gasket between the gbox and tbox?
Also does anyone know the torque settings for the bracket that goes on the end of the tbox and the engine block?
ParticipantCheers Chris.
Its just the end of the sensor was oblong, so started wondering if it was side specific.
May as well just fit it and see what happens.
ParticipantAh ha!
Don’t suppose you have a spare rallye rear bracket for sale?
ParticipantHi Chris,
I might be in need of the rear Rallye engine mount, more specifically the 100mm one. To confirm is this the one being referred to?
Don’t suppose you know if the std Corrado one would fit? As it has 100mm inner CVs as well?
Thanks again.