Chris S

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  • in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21969
    Chris S

    btw the Corrado /G60 2wd Gearbox has better (higher) ratios than the Rallye box,

    I actually have a Corrado G60 2wd gearbox here that I bought for the conversion but never got round to swapping out.

    in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21968
    Chris S

    If I remember correctly,
    Between 1986 & 1991 there were only just over 600 RHD Golf 2 Syncro imported, + this was only available in the 4 door version,
    & only 112 of the Jetta Syncro in RHD (Presumably also with 4 doors?) were UK registered during this time

    its little wonder that VW did not bother to convert the Golf 3 Syncro to RHD

    in reply to: Ebay Golf syncro g60 #21948
    Chris S

    I wonder what gearbox/transfer box & exhaust down pipe it has, there are no piccys from under the bonnet.

    in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21940
    Chris S

    Hi Sam,

    While you can use the the drum handbrake cables it is a pain to modify them to take to the calipers + they are not new any more so it does make sense if you can get new cables to fit the calipers.

    You may have to cut the bulkhead & re weld to get clearance for the double downpipe! its a bit busy under there with the transfer box, front donut, gearchange cables etc.

    I cant remember what the clutch pedal switch is for, but not all G2 & J2 syncro models have them
    I will look it up for you over week end if I get the chance

    in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21936
    Chris S

    I found the Rally rear engine mount, as you can see its different to the G60 mount

    in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21932
    Chris S

    Mounting brackets for 02C transfer box if you compare them to your 020 brackets you will see how different they are

    also in photo the rear donut with the vibration damper; I will post the Rallye rear mount when I find it, prob later today

    btw you will also need a G60 Syncro exhaust manifold, as the 2wd G60 one sends the downpipe right through the middle of the transfer box

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Chris S.
    in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21931
    Chris S

    your conversion would run smoother & with less strain/Vibration on the propshaft rear diff if you fit one of these

    1H0521307 in place of the one you have now without the balance weight, I have one here as well & can also supply the longer VW bolts (new)

    in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21930
    Chris S

    I have these parts here

    Rallye/passat syncro rear engine mount ( p/n 357 199 354F)
    – the G60 euro drive shaft doesn’t have a rubber vibration damper so do I “need” the rallye mount?
    yes cos the inner cv boot rubs on the bracket

    * 02C Transfer box carrier bracket p/n 02C 409 905 – are these not the same as on my current syncro box?
    no its different

    * 02C Transfer box support bracket p/n 02C 409 907
    also different

    you cam e-mail me at syncrogolf2 (at) replace the at with @ or phone on 0031 527 750 606

    in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21921
    Chris S

    This may also be of interest

    Given the G60 conversion you are doing to your Syncro, which I have done before,

    I feel I could be of more help if you contact me directly so I can help better – Chris

    ps I have most of the extra conversion parts that you need.

    in reply to: Jetta Syncro Engine Conversion #21920
    Chris S

    Hi Sam, if you are going to run a G60 motor in your Syncro you will need an o2c gearbox in place of the o20 let me find some earlier posts over this.

    Chris S

    Welcome on board, we are here to help,
    there is 1 thing for sure your Syncro will put a smile on your face every time you drive it!

    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #21884
    Chris S

    Won’t you need a working reversing light switch for the MOT ? not for the 4wd but just for the light itself.

    in reply to: Chris S. your email please #21869
    Chris S


    in reply to: did pas ever come as an option on rhd syncros #21862
    Chris S

    According to this the RHD Syncro was available with an unpowered steering rack

    Strangely it does not list a RHD Syncro specific powered rack ???

    in reply to: Bolts connecting propshaft to angle drive #21806
    Chris S

    I just phoned my VW dealer & this Bolt is still available, p/n is now VN 90522201
    it costs 1 euro 60 cents here in Netherlands

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