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Memberhi chris so i take it that these spring will need cutting by 1.5 inches. do you happen to know the vw partnumber for these springs.regards
Memberi left the ignition switched on for two minutes then touched under the carb heater, there was no heat. how does this thing work i take it current goes into the unit then am i right in thinking the unit works by the resistance throught the carb and manifold via a earth cable from the carb to the rocker cvr. my one didnt have an earth so i got a length of wire and attaatched it to one of the fixing nuts for the carb then attatched the other end to the rocker cvr. the wire i used was from an old household flexi wire so id imagine it would have less resistance than was intended?
MemberThank you for your suggestions Chris, I will look into them.
I do have a Haynes manual but sometimes its best to ask people that may have had similar problems and that actually own and drive the cars themselves. regards Darrenholmes
Membermy cars a pain in the backside, my powersteering has slowly started to ocassionaly go stiff. as for the running problem mine seems to have been getting worse as its getting colder even when the car has warmed up. bit of a pain but learning to live with it.
Memberits worth checking all vacume lines are connected and intacted and i would suggest taking all of the jets out (make a note of where they went) take the fuel intake pipe off, and remove the mixture screw, get a can of carb cleaner and blast it through all openings. iam also having the problems in the morning cutting out etc my theory is that my powersteering pump is going which is seizing causing there to be a load on the engine causing it to need more revs, but when you let the choke in it stalls the engine as it doesnt have enough revs to maintain that load.
Memberhow much are you willing to pay and whereabouts are you.
Memberhi chris recieved the bolts yesterday morning thanks very much[
Memberyour a star[
] thanks i might go on holiday for a week if thats ok?[
Memberhi chris do you have my address still. how do i pay you and for how much in total. whats your paypal details. regards darren
Memberjust to say thanks very much to chaz who sorted out a pair of drum back plates in super quick time thanks. regards darren
Memberthankyou chris let me know what i owe you regards.Trev16v most parts are available through vw or a car factors so dont worry, it was as chris said, some dealers cant be bothered and it was just this part that they were saying was no longer available, but i was pretty sure chris could get it and he can.thanks to chris regards
Memberi had a similar problem with my old syncro, one night it was working fine with just a liitl difficulty selecting 2nd and 5th the next morning i went out to drive to work and the gearbox had collapsed in side the box, it wouldnt drive in either direction with out banging and alot of revs, i sold the car as i didnt have the money to get a new box, the bloke who bout it from me txt me a few weeks later and he found that the final drive had worked its way loose and imbedded its self into everything.
Memberi also left the bush in the mounting that the rear differential hangs on, i checked it over there was no wear or cracks and i dont think it has a hugely hard life anyway. as for powder coating the rear beam, me and chris discussed this briefly and as we have done we thought it best to hammerite, this is due to it being a rust prohibitor and also powder coating isnt a sure thing, you may find that the rust will creep into a small stone chip etc then itll travel under the powder coat, abit like it does from factory. its your call[
Memberas far i have replaced refurbed,
1. rear trailing arms, crossmember, diff supported mount have been sandblasted and hammerited £75
2. powerflex bushes have been fitted all round with no problem. they cost me £125 inc vat and shipping minus arb mounts which i will use standard rallye items.
3. fitted new wheel bearing £54
4. new nuts and bolts all other bout £30
5. new shocks front and rear i think they were £80(thanks to chris for helping out with locating these.
6. new brake pipes made up £20
7. new shoes , cyclinders and adjuster kit. £50ish
8. new springs location unknown as yet possible throught the same people as the shockers.£70
9. new inner and out cv joints and gaitors bout £90
10. rallye anti-roll bar and fixings price?
11. lube and grease bout £15
roughly after everythings bout it should cost about £600 and my labour
if your going to do this job make sure your only going to do it once, try not to cut corners and try to renew as much as the pocket allows.holmes
MemberDizzy 1AC) – Valeo
050 905 205AJ —- 026 905 207A —- 026 905 225K
this is the number on my disi. the car is running like **** i found that i may have an intermittent spark so was thinking of swapping my disi for the spare i have then see if it makes any difference, iam also gona get that pesky carb off and clean it properly as i think there still maybe a problem with it. as for the carb you have for me, iam very much still interested, but i think it best at the moment to get all the problems ie rear crossmember sorted before i take on any other jobs on the car. but eventually i will take it if your able to save it for me? regards darren -