Forum Replies Created
Participantditch the MS IIS and go for something more stable?
appears to be the ASP database which times out from time to time
Participantparts are in. one of the oilseals are replaced in the rear diff. but, too much work
damn cold weather. kills cables and cable-tv amplifiers which i have to fix
saturday tomorrow, so i’ve got the whole day to replace the last one, and then on to the hoses in the front, this is all thats missing now
and if i feel for it, i’ll hook up my Innovate LC-1 wideband lambda sensor and gauge.
using the wideband’s analogue output for the Digifant 1 ecu. then the digital output for the gauge
since these engines are known for running lean, its best to have a gauge to have an eye on it when the driving gets inspirational on icetracks/tarmac tracks
Participantsooo.. this week has been slow, havnt done ANYTHING in the garage the last week, havn’t even been there
been waiting for parts. and working. so havn’t had the energy to do it, but, parts are now arrived. so. hopefully i’ll get them on tomorrow. then its just to order a new approval time for the golf, this time in oslo. god damnit
Participantfronts are within the tolerances
so thats no biggie
Participantwell, i have had a talk with the boffins over at the “dmv” (don’t have another word for them), we call them biltilsynet here in norway
they didnt’ care too much of the camber settings aslong they was about the same (mine is, at -3.00 both sides in the rear).
so i might be able to pull this one of
only need to change the hoses and oilseals now
and book the inspection
Participantbtw, as for partnumbers:
020 301 189 T – for the oileals 50x65x10mm
020 409 289 B – for the lids (or end caps as etka calles them)hoses are
037 121 053 C – flange > heat exchanger > coolant pump
037 121 058 – heat exchanger > coolant pump > coolant pipeHousey
Participanti’ve got that one covered, bought new oilseals. and coolant hoses are most likley found today or early tomorrow
the oilseals are the one on the vc flanges. changing both, even tho only one is broken
that and the oilseal lid on the middle of the flange
the coolant hoses are the ones that goes from the outlet in the head, down to the oil heatexchanger and to the waterpump. and from the waterpump to the heatexchanger to the coolant pipe which goes to the heater core
only one leaks, but both are in very bad shape. can scrape off dried hose skin. most likeley because of a previous oil leak
Participantdid not pass inspection.. well. there was no inspection really
when i arrived, the inspector read the paperwork i had. based on that, i’ve got to go to another district to get it approved
and on top of that, an oilseal on the vc flange on the rear diff has let go. leaking oil. so need to replace that, and a coolant hose. which has started leaking even worse now
this sucks
Participantsecond part of my approval is done
the importer (volkswagen norway) has taken a look at the car, confirming that i’ve done whats needed inorder to get this car registered as a golf GTI G60 Syncro
the local “DMV” tomorrow, for final inspecion, hopefully it’ll pass. and that my cooland leak isnt too severe ( old hose, but i did not have the right one lying around, and its DIRT expensive)
will within time get some silicone hoses (venair) good quality, and quite reasonable to buy aswell.
this venair set is a complete set of coolant hoses
Participantvr6 has different spring-rates then MK2. hence it will be stiff to ride
but, in short. yes, you can fit MK3 shocks in the front. and passat 35i, and corradi (53i)
they are all designed the ssame way, and will fit, but as said, spring/damper rate is different because of the weight differences
Participantfront will fit as it would, but the rear shocks are shorter in length then the FWD MK2 golf
Participantwheel alignment done
almost like a new car to drive. feels reallt good
Participantwell. i thought i was using more heavy grade oil then i actually did (i don’t remember numbers well)
but, i was running 5w40. and now i’m on 10w40. solved all my prblems
Participantfalling behind on updates here.
anyhow. changed oil and filter again (to more heavy weight) and ticking stopped. so thats sorted
have taken next week off of work. (last years vacation days which is did not use)
so its going to be a busy week
monday: wheel alinment
tuesday: to the importers for a “pre” check and get documentation on the rebuild
wednestad: to the “DMV” to get the car through inspection. and hopefully i can get my license plates which is preordered and ready for mefingers crossed
Participantremember our cold weather
too heavy oil is not good when its below -20c outside