Forum Replies Created
Memberbrackets FTW!
yep makes perfect sense – reckon it’ll be strong enough just off the engine mount bit or will you have a second mounting point?
Membertbh I don’t think that’s something I can do myself and it never seemed like that reliable an option.
I’m gonna go with what I know here – box section steel and 4mm plate
MemberThe KR-into-syncro plan is making progress and is looking generally promising..
I spent most of this weekend removing stuck bolts so I could mock up the KR on a g60syncro box and I reckon the missing bolt-hole can be made up for with a suitable bracket…(pics to follow)
The downpipe is already made and whilst it won’t flow as well as a 16v twin downpipe, it’ll do for the moment and only needs a standard 16v manifold to complete.
Although I’ve test-fitted on a g60 box, in the interests of K.I.S.S., for now I think it’ll actually end up on the old (rod shift) box since it’s already fitted and working and should cope fine with a KR for the time being.
Also stuff like the front engine mount point is different on the g60 so with a rod-shift box it’ll sit on my trolley/dolly which makes working on it very convenient…not something I can do on the g60 at the moment. Also I have two of the “U” brackets for the transfer box so if I bodge one I’m not completely stuffed.
Aidan from should be putting the KR loom in once I’ve got the basics fitted as that’s where I got stuck with the G60 kit. A working KR platform would be a very good starting point IMO and is plenty tweakable. Plus we have my 16v as a working reference
pics to follow once I’ve got them off my phone.
MemberIs that your site clive? I’ll add a link on the links page if so.. PM me?
MemberIndeed they weren’t. That was a lesson well learned lol.
Memberthere was just the teensiest amount of logo/trademark infringement on my part so it wasn’t ubnprovoked but still…I think we made peace in the end.
MemberJust got back – as far as going sideways goes it’s *exactly* what I was looking for.
They have a few different tracks set up… a couple for beginners to practise donuts & figure-eights etc, a couple fo intermediate ones and the main one.
On the smaller tracks people go on one at a time for a few mins and then the next goes on. The rotation seems pretty rapid and it certainly looked like there was plenty of track time to be had. The main track has a few people at a time and whilst there was some great drifting, there wasn’t much by way of twinning and a lot less chaining drifts than I’d expected…but that’s definitely “talking tough from the couch”… ask me when I’ve had a proper go
It actually reminded me the bit of in mad max when all the nutters are racing round their camp and the petrol supply – great stuff
There were no fwds, and no 4WDs I could see. The staff at the tollgate didn’t seem to think there would be a problem letting non rwd cars in but I’d like to get further confirmation of that.
That said I don’t really think this is a thing for non RWDs. Unless it’s wet I’d say the tarmac looked way too grippy and was quite rough so we would enjoy very little sideways time imo. In the wet it *could* be a dramatically different story.
They had tyres on sale there too from a fiver each and fitting facilities etc. There was surprisingly little damage too – other than a bloke coming off and getting stuck in the mud I didn’t see any car or people damage.
I came away with 3 conclusions re doing thsi seriously…
– it needs to be RWD
– it needs an LSD or welded diff
– it doesn’t have to be mega powerful to chain drifts and get some decent sideways on the go, but it helps.Basically I want to do that in the syncro so I guess now I’ve just got to work out how to make the syncro RWD
I’ll try and get some pics/vids up once I’ve got them off the camera.
MemberAs far as I understand it the aim is to shift the nearly empty sections around – moving all the posts from the busy forums I don’t think will be doable.
> Also i was just thinking, i don’t mean to criticise but the actual logo we use for this forum looks a bit american to me and this is an English forum and the cars we are talking about are from germany so maybe we could do with a new logo?
there were only so many ways we could make a vw shape without getting legal threats from vw (again). Sorry but the logo stays for now.
MemberPerhaps we can devise one or two categories to cover all the existing posts?
MemberActually chris/marcus – whislt any empty categories/forums can happily go, wit the nearly empty ones I would like to try and reassign the posts in them to a different forum at a database level.
I did some initial digging around in that area and whilst it’s fiddly it should be possible, that way we don’t lose anything.
Any empty ones can go though but the non-empty ones ahve some useful info in. Perhaps we just need one “useful extra stuff” category.
If we can compile a list of what needs to move where I can have a go at moving them.
MemberThanks but it;’s ok – I just need a bit of time to sort it out – I did a bunch of upgrades to the photo section on another site and then transferred it and I must have missed something. Will sort as soon as I can.
MemberI’m working on fixing the photos thing – already actually.
MemberHeading to DWYB on sat as a spectator – basically I want to see if they will let non-rwds in too and generally suss the place out.
These events are nearly every 2 weeks and they setup 5 or so different courses so as far as sideways goes this might be the jackpot. I’ll let you know after saturday
Memberlol I’d see that as tempting fate