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Memberoh ace.. the tank level sender def looked to be in a different place than on the gti. HAven’t got around to psoting pics yet but will sort tomorrow hopefully.
Memberaha that might explain some of the wiring differences perhaps
Memberwell hopefully they’re the same – the gti was 87 and the syncro is august 89 or thereabouts. I took a bunch more pics which I’m processing at the moment. PVL said he’d help figure out what to do as my head mostly goes blank with wiring…like a cat trying to do algebra
That’s a very helpful website though – cheers! Looks like they’re both CE1 (phew!), although stuff like the fuel level sender seems to be in different places…it’s already helping me figure out the relays though
MemberBeen opening up the wiring loom on the gti to trace back the wires to the fuse box… so far so good. The lift pump + sender looks to connect to something below (I’m presuming the pressure pump) and so far only has 3 wires connecting it to the fusebox.
I’ve looked at the fusebox in the syncro and it at least seems to be the same type as the gti (same shape plugs and stuff), although there’s a fair few more relays on the gti one. I’m just about to check the same locations on the syncro to see if the same wires already exist…if so maybe it only needs the right relay plugging in, otherwise I’ll need to piggyback the extracted fuel pump “loom” on there somehow and also add the right relays.
Have been taking pics along the way so will post them later along with further findings
Memberhave you seen this by any chance in relation to rod-change boxes?
Memberwelcome back chris, hope you had a good one
Memberwelcome to the site! Good luck with the turbo conversion
sorry about that, it’s the backup software on the server whcih gets activated automatically on reboot – sometimes the windows updates force a reboot without me realising so then we get the error. When i reboot manually I disable it. should come through to me…not sure why that’s not working but am on holday this week so it’s gonna have to wait for now. Will make a note to check tho.
MemberSteelies acquired, the stripping has begun…
MemberWell a sad day for me…I’ve been working on my 16v GTI to fit the lovely new stainless system I bought for it, and have managed to get the old system off, but in the process have discovered several significantly-sized holes underneath. A couple of them could be patched without a problem but one on the other side is pretty big and another is at the front at the corner of the wheel arch. It could be bodgable but that’s not really my thing and I feel like it’s really fighting a losing battle now so have decided to strip and scrap her and put all my effort into the syncro instead.
That does mean I have a complete 16v exhaust system for sale now – stainless 4-2-1 manifold with heatwrap + stainless zipties, (definitely fits too, tested today on a spare head – sometimes they don’t quite fit).
To go with the manifold there’s a stainless de-cat pipe and a full scorpion exhaust system, along with styainless bolts and copper flashed nuts for connecting the pipework up, new manifold stufs and brass nuts as well as all gaskets etc, all brand new.
I’ll be keeping the wheels, motor+box, doors, speedo, fuel pump, steering wheel, stereo, relays, lights and a few other bits and bobs but if there’s anything particular folks are after get in touch and I’ll let you know if it’s up for grabs.
RIP baby 1987-2011, the fastest and most fun car I’ve owned to date.
(The syncro should top that with the 16v motor but this was actually more fun than the stock syncro, which is saying something)
If anyone in northampton has a set of crappy steel rims I can put on it so I can get it onto the truck then please let me know
Memberok plan b – Just bought a 16v fuel pump assembly from PVL (thanks!) and have found someone who sells replacement hoses on ebay to make it all nice and neat o/
I still don’t know how the wiring+relays works but if I can get it set up manually then I’ll no doubt be so excited that I’ll have the impetus to figure out the wiring proper.
Fitting the awesomely shiny 4-2-1 manifold and equally shiny scorpion system to my 16v gti next week first though so hoping the weather doesn’t get any worse.
Memberbeen a bit quiet on the syncro front recently due to workload but am back on it now and have been making some progress, though at this stage it’s digging around online and figuring out a plan.
I had a fuel pump setup ready to go for the new motor but the pipes and housing were all looking a bit worse for wear. Apparently though most of the parts to replace those bits are no longer available and the later pumps seem to be mostly in-tank pumps which don’t fit the syncro tank without modification (which I don’t want to do).
So whilst it’s looking like it might be a bit of a pricey option, I’ve been putting together a list of bits I need to produce a fuel delivery system/pump assembly out of aftermarket bits. There’s actually some very nice bits available and I reckon I should even be able to build it all up into a nice little mountable rig, much like the original setup.
The wiring is still a bit of a mystery to me, especially as I want some sort of safety shut-off so it doesn’t keep pumping in case on an accident (e.g. loss of oil pressure might be a good trigger to stop pumping), but I’ll get the mechanical bits in place first and then worry about the wiring. Wiring does my head in but as long as I go one step at a time and with a little help I’m sure I’ll figure it out
Membernice work trev!
Memberah yes – damn sorry, completely forgot to update! Fixed it with bells on
I didn’t even need to go as far as measuring the current drain and removing fuses because I just thought I’d have a poke around and see if I could see anything. I peeked into the boot by folding the seats forward and tadaa – light was on. The switch had got knocked through the plastic so was always on.
We also installed solar chargers in both cars and they’re great! I’m thinking I’ve got space for a couple more on my parcel shelf and it might be enough to charge a separate battery (perhaps a small SLA) which would be used to power an amp or a better stereo of some kind. I never bothered fitting one because the last one I had kept leaving me with a flat battery but given how much time the car spends standing it might be a neat solution.
So thanks very much everyone that was another mystery rapidly solved