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  • in reply to: re2 #24115

    damn, I was very sorry to hear about that – RE2 was a fixture on these forums for what must have been 20-odd years and will be missed.

    >> link to Video from re2 back in the day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlhqaxvhxVQ

    wow he was thrashing the pants off that golf wasn’t he. It didn’t half sound good under power too!

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    in reply to: Finally converting to 02c, few questions #24089

    Chris is working on his boat at the moment, he’ll respond in a few days once he’s done with that. Please stand by 🙂

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    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #24086

    A little rough round the edges, but she starts first time, sounds great and is getting regular off-road action… which seems like progress 🙂

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    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #24052

    thank you Chris, but I think I already have that one – seemed to be present in the engine bay already, presumably because that’s also part of the KR system.

    I have to replace the pas/coolant belt so will have another poke around it when I do that 🙂

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    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #24047

    So once the rain stops it looks like I need a non-return valve and to plumb the vacuum hose in to operate the diaphram thing, that seems straightforward enough.

    The electrics might be a bit more interesting. From reading that thread it seems like the freewheel is engaged when the car’s wiring thinks it’s in reverse, and I don’t think that’s a state which occurs in my car yet (though mechanically it does reverse).

    I’m still using the syncro box with the KR motor so i think it should still have the reversing switch on the gearbox, though possibly not the wiring for it in the loom, in which case I guess I’m going to have to make something aren’t I?

    Would it be feasible to have a manual switch to engage 4wd in reverse? I haven’t checked but I’m guessing if there’s no reversing light happening at the moment (bc kr wiring and gu hardware) so presumably I won’t be triggering any solenoid either.

    From memory the KR box/loom has a 2-contact (individual blade) connector where the reversing switch is on the syncro box, which is presumably also a reversing switch, so perhaps I can wire the one into the other (if I still have the GU loom), or even just wire in a switch to engage reverse (in electrical terms) manually.

    It’s absolutely throwing it down at the moment so I can’t check now but will see if the reversing light switch is still in the gearbox and whether I’ve got the GU loom still.

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    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #24045

    [edit: nvm found this thread: https://forum.vwsyncro.co.uk/forums/topic/no-4wd-in-reverse/?highlight=4wd%20in%20reverse ]

    Btw re fixing 4wd in reverse – I found a little vacuum pipe which seems to head towards the rear of the car (possibly around the transmission tunnel but may also have been elsewhere, it was a while ago now). But when we spoke I’m sure we established there was a solenoid in play too. possibly to control the freewheel. Do you happen to know where I’d find the plug for that solenoidor what I’m looking for? I can’t really get undeaneath the car easily at the moment (soft, uneven ground).

    I guess the reason I didn’t plug the vacuum hose in is because it’s now got a KR loom and the KR loom doesn’t expect to have 4wd gubbins so there may not be wires for it. Do I just need to feed it vacuum to operate? so add it to the general vacuum melee?

    Whilst I don’t have my etka machine, I have all my old photos though so if I know what I’m looking for I might be able to figure it out.

    I seem to recall there was a single green sphere vacuum reservoir and there’s also the triple-sphere one under the battery tray. My syncro seems to currently have the triple one, but do I need the single green one too? If that’s the one for the freewheel I can probably locate it (and maybe even nearby plug details) in my old engine teardown photos from the GU motor.

    I’m hoping I still have the GU loom but may well have got rid of it in the frenzy before I left

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by LD50.

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    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #24044

    hiya 🙂 Yeah it’s been “challenging” to put it mildly, especially as I’m working full time too and very much subject to weather and the elements, but my number of “fun with syncros” experiences per week have increased dramatically, which I am very pleased about indeed.

    In a few weeks I’m changing my work to a more flexible thing too so I should have a lot more time for hooning around in the syncro and on the dirt bike. So far the move seems to have been a positive change I think.

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    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #24040

    Ok well in a surprise twist of events, I’m doing some work on a farm at the moment and I’ve done more offroading in the syncro in the last month than the previous 15 years. The farm land rover died so the syncro has become the de-facto tractor and has been seen dragging giant water containers up and down hills (multiple at once) as well as dragging my van up a fairly steep muddy track, in the rain. I’m thinking about fitting the whole undercage thing I built and whatnot as it would be quite handy for antics here. It didn’t really make sense as a vehicle in northampton but round here it would be perfect for winter.

    I’ve currently got no 4wd in reverse (yet to be investivated but I think I forgot to plug in the vacuum thing) so have to think about how I approach things so as not to get stuck but it’s been hilarious and the syncro has done me proud. With some all terrain tyres like I have on the van i think it would be unstoppable xD

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by LD50.
    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by LD50.

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    in reply to: Pascal van Luijk (pvl) #24028

    Sorry I missed this message, wow 10 years already? damn :'(

    It seems like so much has happened since then, and not really in a good way.

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    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #24017

    ok well most of it went to a VW scrappy. They took a whole truck full of stuff away in the end. Sad but also “enlightening”.

    I’ve still got some bits left – the engine building stand, the G60 short block + pistons, and I’ve not even dug out the stuff from the other shed yet but that’s mostly components, a couple of pierburg carbs and whatnot.

    Having already nearly got stuck a couple of times at the new place.. funnily enough the syncro may actually be kinda a perfect car for being there. 4wd when you need it but still ok doing distance too. Idk if it’ll ever get that far but I can hope.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by LD50.

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    in reply to: LD50’s syncro… attempt #2, now #3 – It moves ;) #23998

    ok well, I tried but I failed.

    I can’t afford to keep the house anymore and with my best friend RIP and separated from my partner there’s nothing keeping me in this area, so am selling up and moving into my van (where I’ve already been living since march, just minus the house + bills). I’ll hopefully have a workshop on a bit of land where the syncro & bikes will go (that’s the plan anyway) but who knows.

    *hopefully* the idea is to reduce my outgoings to the point that I can actually get back to working on the syncro and bikes and have some actual quality of life rather than just trading every spare minute and future sanity for being barely able to get by, which amounts to a completely pointless and pretty shitty existence.

    Either way I have a few engines which need to go, so before I list anything on ebay (or call the scrappy) I thought I’d mention them here in case there’s any interest.. I’m not fussy at this point so am open to any offers..both sensible and not. The syncro itself and one spare KR a spare Syncro box and a few syncro bits are coming with me.. the rest has to go.

    – G60 block/short engine, restored, (i think) decked and (defintely) honed, currently with g60 crank, 16v pistons, new shells, rings etc. (and by “new” I mean 10+ years old but has done 0 miles). This was the basis of my PG/KR hybrid engine which ran but I wasn’t happy with so I took it out and worked on fitting a KR. It’s sat there ever since.

    – GU engine – the original 8v carbed one from my syncro, no carb but otherwise as it was when removed 15 years ago. Has stood outside but relatively sheltered so completely unknown status. I probably/may have a carb or two to go with it in the shed somewhere

    – KR engine – one I got for spares ages ago, has been stood outside for a long time so could be a mess inside or could be ok, who knows. Was under a tarp for many years but eventually tarp disintegrated.

    – 8v Digifant engine removed from a 91, has some oil pressure issues. Has sat under a table outside for ~8 years

    – KR head – unknown status, may have had a coolant leak, hence removed. I have a feeling it was from my 16v gti and on one corner it was leaking coolant into one of the cylinders.. which meant it ran super chill..right up until it didn’t.

    – 8v gti head.. possibly the “small ports” one which apparently nobody wants. Was very clean though and stored wrapped up in plastic in a shed.

    – probably a 2y (16v) gearbox… I think. will need to check tho. There’s definitely a few boxes knocking about.

    – engine building stand… heavy duty sorta thing which can hold 400kg iirc. Offers?

    Obviously the heavy metal can be cleaned up, honed and whatnot so will probably be fine. The status of any of the smaller components is a complete unknown at this point.

    Stuff is in northampton, collection only unless you want to organise transport

    Thanks for looking 🙂

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by LD50.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by LD50.

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    in reply to: Golf Country Syncro – Photoshoot Request #23955

    nice article – your Country looked fab 🙂 I know which of the two I’d rather have!

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    in reply to: I did a photoshoot/article with top gear #23954

    good work 🙂

    tbh the new “estate golf” (how is that even a thing???) seems like it would be closer to the 32b passat doesn’t it?

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    in reply to: Update #23939

    what was the ebay link about then – you were talking about fitting some item but I never found out what the item was..

    Yeah that was a nice car. Did it go to the USA in the end?

    I miss my syncro too, really hoping she runs again some day soon 🙂

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    in reply to: Update #23937

    I see a picture of your silver syncro parked in front of the house.

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