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MemberAh, cool! I think I will talk to my friend this weekend then about the plates. He’s a good chap; he has just designed my flanges for my 16V Syncro manifold I’m about to fabricate, and just got quotes from water cutting places for me, so doing these should be a doddle in comparison. However, it does occur to me that we might need to get our eccentric bolts ordered before the plates are machined, and get the plates machined to suit them, as per the advice in Chris’s thread. So, what I will do on Monday is order the bolts using the latest part numbers given there, and when I get them I’ll measure the heads on them and get my friend Alan to make the plates to suit.
MemberI’m going to do this modification on mine (at least on the inside mounts anyhow; unsure about the outers yet). While I’m possibly not local enough (Oxfordshire) to do the actual welding for you, we could get our guide plates machined at the same time if you like. A mechanical engineer friend of mine will be arranging them for me. (Are you Bones on CGTI or am I mixed up?)
MemberHello mate. Ah, that’s interesting.
Might phone up the dealer today to see if I can get the VW / Audi bolts.
MemberAm I right in thinking that in the image above, just the inner bush has been made adjustable?
Alexisblades, did you do this in the end?
MemberJust currently wondering whether to do this. And whether I ought to be keeping my spare rear beam to do it with rather than selling it.
Any more thoughts from anyone concerning Phatty’s idea of making just the inner bush adjustable? I like the idea of having to modify the beam less, and having fewer parameters to adjust, if it’s pretty much as effective.
MemberRight, the subframe weights just under 20kg and the dimensions are approxomately 130cm x 50cm x 15cm. With those parameters, produced a UKMail quote at £15.79 + VAT.
MemberCould do via PayPal if you like?
I’m afraid I didn’t have time to weigh the subframe at the weekend, but I am back at home on Wednesday night so I shall aim to get back to you by around Thursday if that’s okay.
Member13enpowell: Posting the rear subframe via courier would be no problem at all; I work from home a lot of the week so courier collection is easy. I am guessing it will cost around £20 to courier. If you’re 100% serious about wanting it then let me know and I will put it on the bathroom scales and get an online courier quote.
Heya Chris – I don’t have the side mountings anymore unfortunately; they went to some chap building a Syncro Corrado a while back. I do however have the differential hanger still. The only reason I didn’t advertise it yet is because I wasn’t sure if I should keep it as a spare for my own G60 Syncro. Alternatively I could perhaps just sell the second hanger and buy a new VW bush for the G60’s hanger with the money. What do you reckon? Do you need one for a conversion?
MemberGood find, Chris!
Reminds me – I need to see if VW can still supply the two heat shields that are situated on either side under the rear bench area of the floor pan, above where the silencers sit.
MemberVery belated Happy Birthday
MemberOoh – yes, I did get one of these in the end. I got it over from the US though, after placing some wanted adverts on VWVortex. Probably cost me over £100 in the end.
I’m not sure if I’ll actually use it now because I’ve invested in an RTech AC/DC TIG welder to build a suitable manifold from scratch, but for now I shall keep the Scirocco on the shelf just in case.
MemberI haven’t had a go at it yet. I think I’ll give it a bash this coming weekend.
MemberLet me go and see what kind of condition the existing one is on my propshaft. I may take one from you just for the sake of having a new shiny part…
MemberOoh! My propshaft doughnut and bushes are waiting for me at VAG. For what they cost, I’m fully expecting them to be gold plated.
MemberI’m finally going to get around to doing this job this weekend.
I only obtained a replacement bush for the front; the rear one looks fine. Is it best to leave the rear one well alone if it looks okay, or is it advised to still replace it?